St. Johns Professional Property Management: When Is It Worth The Money?

Professional property management is always worth the money. As long as you’re working with a qualified, experienced company staffed with professionals who understand the market and your investment goals, you’re likely to earn more and spend less when your St. Johns rental home is professionally leased, managed, and maintained.
We often talk to rental property owners who try to manage their own homes and then quickly realize they don’t have the time or the expertise that’s required.
Whether you’re renting out a single home or an entire portfolio of rental homes, you need to know when it’s time to hire a professional team. There are a number of benefits to professional management, and there are often specific moments in an owner’s journey when it clearly seems worth the investment.
Don’t wait until you’re dealing with an eviction or a long vacancy or a tenant who is disputing a security deposit. Have your St. Johns property management experts in place early.
More than One Rental Property? Hire a St. Johns Property Manager
If you’re renting out a portfolio of rental properties, you need to have those assets managed professionally. Taking care of things on your own may have been manageable when you were renting out only one home. But, the more investments you add, the more time it will take to find tenants, respond to maintenance, and manage the accounting. Issues will need your attention on a regular basis.
Hiring a management company with a full staff and a lot of experienced managers, administrators, bookkeepers, and leasing agents will make your life a lot easier. Important things won’t get missed, and you’ll save money. The cost of lost opportunity is hard to measure.
Not Local to St. Johns? You Need a Property Manager
We work with a lot of investors who don’t even live in Florida or the Jacksonville/St. Johns area. This is an excellent reason to hire a professional. If you live out of state or even out of the country, it’s going to be difficult to monitor maintenance and respond to tenants.
You will have residents, neighbors, and vendors who may need your attention, and if you’re more than half an hour away, you’re going to have a hard time being responsive. You need a local team with property managers who can get over to the property quickly and conduct regular inspections to make sure it’s in good condition.
Time is Money and You Need Your Time
You may find that you simply don’t have the time to effectively manage your rental home. Maybe you can find the hours if you’re only renting out one home and it’s fairly low maintenance and your tenants are easy to work with. But, if you are juggling more than one property, it’s going to require the same amount of hours as a full or part-time job. If you don’t have the time to devote to it, important things may get missed.
Busy investors can always benefit from professional St. Johns property management. If you’re the type of owner who wants to invest in real estate because of the financial benefits it provides, but you don’t want to get into the day-to-day details of renting out a home, you will need professional support.
Rental income and ROI should be your most important reasons for investing in real estate. When you want to earn more and have a less stressful rental experience, professional St. Johns property management is worth the money. Don’t forget – your property management fees are tax deductible.

If you’d like to hear more about how we can help you, please contact us at Red Rooster Property Management.